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Jerry Rollins


If you don’t know where you are going, you are guaranteed to get there. Sounds funny, but l believe that people who don’t look forward, end up in the same place or remain somewhere they don’t want to be.

Ask yourself, where will you be 5 years from now? Over the next five years, what do you really want to do? Who do you really want to be?

Just read THE 5 BOOK by Dan Zadra and Kobe Yamaha and did the 5 YEAR exercise with many people I am close to.  It is amazing what insight we gain about things that are really important when we take the time to look forward.

I think that people often chose not to think of this because of their circumstances. They are too young, too old, don’t have enough money, didn’t go to the right college, are satisfied with the status quo or any of the many reasons that are really excuses.

If you need assistance doing this exercise in my circle have used Lois Weinblatt of True North Visionaries to assist in the business/personal vision process. She can be reached at

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