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Jerry Rollins


I normally have commentary each week about issues that are common amongst the executives I meet with regularly. 

This week my quandary is about a major disconnect. Talking with many of our member companies it is interesting  that a good amount of them have lots of job postings that they cannot fill. They are across a broad spectrum of industries and run from entry level to the C Suite. On the other hand I spoke with a good friend who lost her position when her industry was decimated during Covid. She is an A Player and she has not yet found her next business home.

My positive action for the week is to help just one person through this disconnect and get the message out to my community. I have known this individual for many years and she has worked for 2 CEO’s that I am very close to. They both rave about her both as a team member and person. Here is a connection to her LinkedIn page and if you need contact information please message me and let me know. 

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